Friday, May 15, 2020

Favorite figure from the Hebrew Bible Free Essay Example, 1000 words

â€Å"Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, and said, ‘Naked came I out of my mothers womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. ’ In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly. † (Interlinear Hebrew Bible. Job 1:21) Subsequently, Satan conferred once more with the Lord, and again, God gave Satan permission to destroy the health of Job as long as Job’s life will not be taken away. After this, Satan goes to Job and afflicts him with skin sores and boils. By this time, even Job’s wife urges and impulses him to accuse the Lord for all the suffering and to surrender and die. However, Job continues to show his faith in God and refuses to do it, and his wife leaves him. Despite losing everything he has, Job continues to remain loyal to the Lord and he never cursed God. After all this, four of his friends, Bildad, Zophar, Eliphaz, and later on Elihu confronts Job. We will write a custom essay sample on Favorite figure from the Hebrew Bible or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Again, Job maintains his self-assurance even in the face of of these reproaches and disparagements. In addition to his response, he also says that he knows and is confident that there is one in Heaven who will vouch for his innocence. Finally, the Lord interjects and from a strong tornado, God tells and reminds Job of the power that the Lord has over everything and that mere man cannot fathom His understanding about the universe and how everything works. Dumbfounded by this meeting with the Lord, Job recognizes the power of God and humbles himself down by admitting to himself and to God that he does not have the ability to understand God’s actions for he is only a simple human being. As a result of this very self-effacing reply of Job to God, the Lord is greatly pleased with him. Because of this, Job is rewarded with possessions, children, wealth and influence double the possessions that he had before the ‘test’ of faith began. God gives Job back his health and he goes on to live an exceedingly long and prosperous life. â€Å"So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning†¦ (Interlinear Hebrew Bible. Job 42:12) After this lived Job an hundred and forty years, and saw his sons and his sons sons, [even] four generations. So Job died, [being] old and full of days. † (Interlinear Hebrew Bible. Job 42:16-17) Indeed, Job’s life, including all the trials, hardships and sufferings he went through, losing his family, friends, his possessions, his wealth, influence and even his health, showed his undeniable devotion and steadfastness.

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